
We have completed over 1000 projects for companies from all over the world in both mobile and web spaces. Working with Theodo, you are guaranteed to receive best-in-class development and support for all your software needs.


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The innovative pay-per-use model of Serverless services means you pay nothing when your applications are not used. Currently ~85% of enterprise server capacity goes to waste, and Serverless can ensure you're not paying for this waste.

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Facebook developed this front-end JavaScript framework to speed-up the development of high quality complex user interfaces.

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Developed by Facebook, React Native is the fastest way to build cross-platform mobile apps. AirBnB, Instagram and Uber Eats agree.

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Since its release in 2009, Node.js has seen a large adoption across all industries. It allows technical teams to build applications with only one language across the whole technical stack: JavaScript. As an agency, we often choose to create products for our clients with Node.js. Having one technology across the whole stack translates into easier recruitment when your company grows.

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Python and Django ecosystems enable us to build web applications very, very fast.

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